Be Rich!

Recent headlines caught my attention this past week. 

“Want to be rich? Now you can!”
“Three life-changing ways to be rich!
“Ways you can become rich!”

Of course, those kinds of headlines have been a part of our culture for decades. 

One headline you won’t often see is “How to be rich in good deeds.”

That line comes from a little letter in the Bible written by the Apostle Paul, who is encouraging a young man he has been mentoring by the name of Timothy. Timothy is pastoring this little church in the town of Ephesus. (Modern name today is Selcuk, located in Western Turkey.)

The context for being rich in good deeds is found in 1 Timothy 6:1:

“Teach those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Teach them to do good, “to be rich in good deeds.”

At HCC, this is the season for us to “be rich in good deeds” through our annual ROAD TRIP. During this season of generosity, we are CHOOSING TO LOVE by serving non-profit organizations and under-resourced families in our community. 

Follow this link and learn “How you can be rich in good deeds.”