FaceTime With God

Last week during my quiet time, I was reading Psalm 105 when verse 4 captured my attention with these words:

“Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.”

Since I often FaceTime with my children and grandchildren using my iPhone, it dawned on me that when I spend a few minutes a day reading my bible and praying, I’m doing FaceTime with God. As the Psalm says, “seek his face always".

Over 20 years ago, Pastor Wayne Cordero mentored me with a tool that I use daily to FaceTime with God. I use the reading schedule on the HCC App, and then as I read a portion of scripture, I let it speak to me as if I was FaceTiming with God. When something in particular get’s my attention, I then spend a few minutes unpacking it by using this little acrostic that Pastor Wayne taught me.

S - Scripture: What part of the reading stood out to me? (write it out word for word)

O - Observation: How would I restate that particular scripture in my own words?

A - Application: How can this truth be applied to my life today?

P - Prayer: Then, I write out a prayer reflecting my thoughts and ideas gained from that particular passage and ask God to help me live it out.

Starting later in September, I will be at the HCC Campus every Thursday at 7:00 am with freshly made coffee for those of you who would like to join me for this exercise. I love seeing how each person gets different ideas from the same reading. So please don’t be shy, take a risk, and join me!

As always, I am available for coffee. Feel free to schedule it here: COFFEE SCHEDULE

Gino Grunberg