Where There Is Unity, There Is Diversity

During one of our HCC Council meetings a few weeks ago, I had the privilege of sharing some thoughts about UNITY.

Unity does not mean UNIFORMITY which is thinking and looking alike.

Unity does not mean UNANIMITY, which is agreement on every issue.

UNITY means a "oneness of heart." It's a relational word that places connection with another human above conviction. UNITY's goal is to carefully navigate our beliefs with a person without sacrificing our connection or relationship with them. It involves kindness, graciousness, and forgiveness.

A great example of Unity is found in marriage. I often say to young couples that a healthy marriage is not built on unanimity. Your differences are what brought you together; you respect and appreciate them. You will not agree on everything. If you do, one of you is not needed. It’s neither built on uniformity. Sameness squelches diversity and discourages us from being who God made us to be.

The outcome of a good marriage is seen in the statement found in Genesis 2 when God said, "they become one," A oneness of heart, a unity reflected in a vibrant relationship that has no walls of resentment between two people.

When that "oneness" breaks down, we must do everything we can to restore the relationship instead of proving we are right and the other person is wrong. When Unity is threatened and the connection is strained, we must lay aside the issue and use our energy to reconcile with the person and restore peace through humility and forgiveness.

We won't always agree on everything, but we can still be at peace with each other as an answer to Jesus' prayer in John 17:20, "I pray for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be ONE."

It's ALL about relationships!