Quick HCC Update!

As many of you know, our recent Pierce County numbers regarding COVID infections have gone up again, and the governor's office has issued a new set of guidelines. With that in mind, a few weeks ago, our HCC council prayerfully discerned and decided to hold off regathering on Sunday mornings.

This decision was difficult in light of the need for many of us to gather as a community of believers and worship together. These are challenging times, yet God continues to work in and through all of our lives in unique ways. So let's keep trusting him through this process.
A step forward that we are making that'll move us a step closer to regathering, is offering our regular Sunday morning services live online at 9:00 am starting the first Sunday in December.

We will be set up at the high school each Sunday and provide a live worship experience with live teaching through our LIVE STREAM SERVICE. I know it's not the same as being there, but it's a step toward regathering in the future as the pandemic numbers go down.

You can access HCC Live on Sunday mornings starting at 9:00 am on your HCC APP, HCC Website, YOUtube at HCC253, or our Facebook page.

Moving forward!